At Ultimate we use OKRs for planning and monitoring execution. This involves setting Objectives (qualitative descriptions of what we are trying to achieve) along with defining the Key Results (quantitative definition of how we will define and measure success for each objective).

To define them another way…


At Ultimate we set OKRs on a team level or share OKRs between multiple teams.

Team OKRs or shared OKRs are strongly tied to the overall company goals and require a lot of alignment to get them right. For that, we do half-yearly planning (July and November) and define our direction for the next 2 quarters. 

🧐 How does the OKR setting happen?

😌 Quality of the OKRs

🚀 OKR-Kickoff

🛎 OKR Check-In

OKRs have a light ‘check-in’ during Town Hall meetings every month (for big changes) with a full list of OKRs and where we stand on them shared via Slack after, so we can see how we’re progressing.

🧭 OKR Review

At the end of the quarter main progress and highlights on OKRs can be presented in the Town-Hall meeting. The final status of all the OKRs are shared after the Town-Hall meeting in the #all-hands-events channel.